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04 February 2018

Time Magasine -How the U.S. Used Jazz ( including Dave Brubeck) as a Cold War Secret Weapon

Colombo 1958.jpg

Chris Brubeck -  Facebook

Many of you have heard me talk in concerts about the remarkable days when the Eisenhower administration used jazz as a shining reflection of American values. A wonderful Time article explores the State Department's Jazz Ambassadors program and reveals some of the great ironies for the musicians involved. It inspired my parents to write "The Real Ambassadors" which featured Louis Armstrong.

My brothers Darius Brubeck and Michael accompanied my parents on the first part of the tour (I was too young) until the State Dept. determined it was unsafe for women and children to continue on the 2nd half of the tour. Darius kept a journal on this trip and was asked to share his thoughts and perspective of the tour with Time.

Click here for article.